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This game my sister taught me while we were driving
home from my grandparents' house.
The game is called perdiddle and anyone in the car can
play. Usually it is played with two people, a boyfriend
and a girlfriend. When a person sees a car with one
headlight on they call out "perdiddle" and hit the roof
of the car with their hand. The person who calls out
first and hits the roof first gets the point. These are
the rules for a group game. However, if it is just
between a boyfriend and a girlfriend then the person
who calls "perdiddle" and hits the roof first gets the
point, but the point in this case is usually a kiss.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; WARREN

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Pastime
CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Street Trip Relations between relatives, friends, host and guest Social class Rank

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