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For generations the Welty family has told the story of
how Levi Welty (1825-1902) had gone "Pikes Peak or bust
in a covered wagon." In the mid 1970's, an acquaintance
of the family familiar with these stories became injured
while skiing in Colorado. During her recuperative time
there, she came across a book recounting the history of
the area, and found a story about the naming of
Cripple Creek by a Levi Welty. The names of some of the sons
mentioned coincided with the family's genealogy, and it
is, therefore, quite likely that Terry's ancestor was
responsible for Cripple Creek's naming.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DEARBORN

Keyword(s): pioneer

James Callow Keyword(s): Eudora Welty ; Pike's Peak

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- B439
BELIEF -- Explanation of a name

Date learned: 00001977CA

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