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Believer's Bread

2 c. milk
1/4 c. granulated sugar
4 t. salt
4 T. butter
2 c. lukewarm H2O

2 yeast cakes (or 2 envelopes)
1/4 c. warm H2O
10-12 c. sifted all-purpose flour
Melted butter

Scald milk, add sugar, salt, butter, and 1/2 of H2O.
Stir till sugard dissolves and butter melted.
Cool till lukewarm.
Soften yeast in remaining H2O.
Add milk mixture.
Add flour, cup at a time.
Mix thoroughly with knife till dough comes away from bowl.
Knead 8-10 minutes.
Shape dough; put in greased bowl. Brush with butter.
Cover, let rise, double, knead.
Cover--rise again--turn dought out--knead again.
Cut into 4 portions, pound. Cover with towel--rise 10-15 minutes.
Shape in loaf--4--brush with butter, cover.
Rise--double 1 1/2 hour.
Preheat 400 degrees oven. Bake 10 minutes; turn to 350 degrees; bake 35 minutes.
Brush butter.
Cool on rack.
4 1-lb loaves.


Where learned: KENTUCKY ; Hancock Shaker Village ; Shakertown

Subject headings: Food Drink -- Manner of preparation

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Never plant potatoes beside onions because then the potatoes will have a strong onion flavor.


Where learned: KENTUCKY ; Pikesville

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Plant
BELIEF -- P535

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