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Your search for occult, magic, precaution returned 1 result.

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It is very unlucky to purchase Tarot Cards; they must be
given to you. Once someone gives them to you, you must wrap
them in silk and then place them in a satin bag for storage.
If you do not store them in this manner, they will bring you bad luck. You may only give the Tarot cards to someone who
really wants them.

Submitter comment: Elinor found out about these proscriptions regarding Tarot
cards when she casually mentioned to an acquaintance that she
was interested in buying some. The woman became alarmed that
Elinor might bring bad luck upon herself, and so gave her
the set which she owned, and instructed her in the proper
(safe) way to store them. Elinor was careful to follow the

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; FRASER

Keyword(s): occult, magic, precaution

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Use of Object
BELIEF -- Bad luck Objects

Date learned: 00001960S

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