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Play on Words

Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.

Traveling Salesman:

There once was a salesman who was forced to take the train home one night. While sleeping in his bunk the beautiful young girl in the bunk below him asked him if he would get an extra blanket for her. He leaned over and opened her curtains and with a wise look said, "would you like to play like we are married?"

"O.K." she said, blushing.

"Well then," he quickly answered. "Go get it yourself."

Submitter comment:

I remember it from Awrey Bakery, where I worked last summer.

Data entry tech comment:

Motifs added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Submission card located in pile marked These don't sound traditional - Do Not File Yet.

Keyword(s): Blanket ; Consent ; Favor ; Girl ; HUMOR ; JOKE ; MARRIAGE ; Married ; PUN ; Salesman ; SEX ; Train

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Jest Anecdote
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