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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Oklahoma Program

Date published: 1947-09-26

School Names: University of Detroit; Central Michigan; University of Oklahoma; UofD; Wayne University

Names: Allsup, John; Anderson, Frank; Andregg, Dan; Andros, Dee; Audette, Frank; Baer, Charles E Charley Chuck; Barbour, Edmund J; Bell, Dow; Bielman, Frank; Bodenhamer, Bob; Boisture, Dan; Brazil, Lloyd; Brewer, George; Burgess, Ed; Burris, Paul; Byerlein, Don; Ciesliga, Al; Collins, Tim; Conley, Jim; Conti, John; Costello, Thomas; Cullen, John; Cutsinger, Bob; Davis, Eddy; Dinkins, Merle; Dowell, Charles; Fehring, William Dutch; Finnin, Tom; Fischer, Max; Forsyth, Raymond D, Dr; galante, Nick; Goad, Bobby; Greathouse, Myrle; Greiner, Bob; Greiner, Jerry; Gruber, Wally; Guay, Bill; Hale, Earl; Haley, Bill; Hargesheimer, Walter; Harp, Laddie; Hayes, Jack; Heape, Gene; Hemerda, Lou; Heym, Bob; Hoofnagle, Bud; Husak, John; Jackson, Dick; Jeakle, Edwin; Jennings, Bill; Jones, Gomer; Kaysserian, Mike; Kelly, Archie; Kennedy, Pat; Kreick, Ed; Kurkowski, John; Laboe, Barney; Lambeth, Bill; Lanoue, Jack; LeBouf, Joe; Lebow, Derald; Maher, Joe; Malinowski, Gene; Manley, Willie; Marcum, Delton; Martin, James; Massey, Jim; Matthews, Cliff; Mays, Ed; McLoughlin, Rick; McNabb, Norman; Millor, William J, Very Reverend, SJ; Mitchell, Jack; Morris, Bill; Mullen, Joe; Mutual, Jerry; O'Connor, John; O'Leary, John; O'Malley, Bob; Owens, Jim; Packo, John; Paine, Charles; Paine, Clarence; Paine, Homer; Parker, Kenneth; Pearcy, Ray; Perpich, Judy; Peterson, Harry; Rapacz, John; Raymond, Don; Reny, Bill; Ripple, Al; Rittof, Len; Royal, Darrell; Sarratt, Charles; Shada, John; Sharp, Basil; Simmons, Jack; Smith, Bill; Solner, Bob; Steinberger, Calvin; Strittmatter, John; Sullivan, Pete; Thomas, George; Tillman, Pete; Tipps, Kenneth; Trotter, Nute; Tyree, Jim; Viviano, Sol; Walker, Wade; Wallace, Dave; Wandez, Joe; Welsch, Charles; Welsh, Bill; West, Stanley; Wilburn, Jones; Wilkinson, Charles Bud; Wood, Ed; Wright, Joe; Wright, Truman; Yeager, Floyd

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; 51 Years of Titan Football; Alumni; Athletic Board of Control; captain; cheers; coach; director; editor; Football; Looking Ahead; Meet the Athletic Director; Meet The Coach; Official Program; Oklahoma; penalties; Probable Lineups; program; record; rules; Schedule; score; songs; Sooners; statistics; tickets; Traditions and Trophies; trainer; UofD