Women's & Gender Studies
Research Guides
This guide is a great place to start exploring topics and resources related to women's and gender studies.
The resources listed here provide information about aging and elderly women. For more resources on general issues about aging and the elderly, SEE the discipline: DIVERSITY -- Aging
Last review: 06-10-2015
The resources listed here include research and information about and by feminist anthropologists.
Last review: 06-10-2015
This list of resources is essential feminist reading. They were chosen nationally and at the University of Detroit Mercy by feminists, Women's Studies faculty and students. All books are available in the McNichols Campus Library.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Offers resources for feminist pedagogy and education for women and girls.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Contains resources that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Feminism views "family" in a way that ameliorates society's historical gendered inequalities. These resource topics range from women working outside the home to single parenthood to domestic violence.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Feminism is both a theory and a movement. The movement began in the United States at the first women's rights convention at Seneca Falls, N.Y. in 1848. The movement focuses on the progressive evolution of women's rights.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Feminist theory is a systematic knowledge of apparent relationships, principles and methods of feminism which have been verified to some degree.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Contains links to a variety of resources pertaining to women in film and media.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Gender Studies promotes understanding men and women's expectations, experiences, perceptions, and roles in heterosexual and homosexual relationships. It discusses the role of the body in the formation of identity and sexuality.
Last review: 10-30-2018
Global Feminism concerns itself primarily with the forward movement of women's rights on a global scale.
Last review: 06-10-2015
The resources in this category include the history of feminism, as well as historical periods and timelines of women's history.
Last review: 06-10-2015
The resources listed here include feminist jurisprudence (law philosophy based on the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes) and women's experiences as they have been shaped, controlled, and/or ignored by the law.
Last review: 06-10-2015
This list includes works about feminist literature as well as works by female writers and poets, artists, and musicians.
Last review: 07-22-2014
Women's politics ranges from rallying women against gun lobbists and environmental activism to "White House" politics and military duty. The resources listed here reflect women's politics in its multiple dimensions of service.
Last review: 06-10-2015
The resources listed below include aspects of sexuality, reproductive self-determination, and sexual harrassment: individual rights, race, rape, research, sex markets, adolescence, gender issues, health, law and public policies.
Last review: 06-10-2015
Feminist science provides information about power differentials that women scientists have historically experienced. Likewise, it aims to remedy some of these differentials through feminist philosophy and feminist approaches to science.
Last update: 08-26-2015
Last review: 06-10-2015
Here are resources that describe how technology effects our lives. It includes educational information, the effects on underrepresented groups, and ways in which technology is toxic.
Last review: 06-10-2015

Rebecca Tull
Associate Library ProfessorReference Services
McNichols Campus Library