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Catholic Bioethics


Evangelium Vitae

Pope John Paul II.

Encyclical Letter on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life by Pope John Paul II (March 25, 1995)

On Combatting Abortion and Euthanasia

Pope John Paul II.

Letter to the Bishops of the World  from Pope John Paul II, (June 21, 1991)

Salvifici Doloris

Pope John Paul II.

Apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II (Feb. 11, 1984)

Humanae Vitae

Pope Paul VI.

Encyclical Letter of Pope Paul VI on the Regulation of Birth (July 25, 1968)


United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

This website, produced by the conference of all U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops, includes articles, fact sheets, news releases, and testimony and letters to Congress on issues such as abortion,, contraception, cloning, euthanasia and natural family planning. It also includes the full text of "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services"

National Catholic Bioethics Center

The National Catholic Bioethics Center provides education and position statements on current bioethical issues based on the official teaching of the Catholic Church.  The site includes information on educational programs, such as a National Certificate Program in health care ethics for health care professionals, brief articles on the Church's position on bioethical issues, and an online pamphlet called, A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions.


(The following are not official documents of the Roman Catholic Church)

Ethics of procreation and the defense of human life : contraception, artificial fertilization, and abortion

Rhonheimer, Martin; Murphy, William F.. (Catholic University of America Press, 2010)
McNichols Campus Library
RG 133.5 .R56 2010

Catholic health care ethics : a manual for practitioners

Furton, Edward James; Cataldo, Peter J.; Moraczewski, Albert S.,. (National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2009)
McNichols Campus Library
R 724 .C38 2009

Artificial nutrition and hydration and the permanently unconscious patient : the Catholic debate

Hamel, Ronald P.; Walter, James J.. (Georgetown University Press, 2007)
McNichols Campus Library
RB 150 .C6 A78 2007

Medicine, health care, & ethics : Catholic voices

Morris, John F. (ed.).. (Catholic University of America Press)
R 725.56 .M443 2007

Catholic Christianity and the meaning of healing

Sulmasy, Daniel P.. Balm for Gilead : meditations on spirituality and the healing arts. Georgetown University Press, 2006.
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.55 .S85 2006

Health care ethics : a Catholic theological analysis

Ashley, Benedict M.; deBlois, Jean K.; O'Rourke, Kevin D.. (Georgetown University Press, 2006)
McNichols Campus Library
R 724 .A74 2006

Table of Contents

Medical care at the end of life : a Catholic perspective

Kelly, David F.. (Georgetown University Press, 2006)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.56 .K46 2006

Table of Contents

Contemporary issues in bioethics : a Catholic perspective

Walter, James J. ; Shannon, Thomas A.. (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.56 .W35 2005

Table of Contents

When God's people have HIV/AIDS : an approach to ethics

Cimperman, Maria. (Orbis Books, 2005)
McNichols Campus Library
BX 2347.8 .A52 C56 2005

Table of Contents

Complicity in embryonic and fetal stem cell research and applications: exploring and extending Catholic responses

McCartney, James J.. Stem cell research. Humber, James M.; Almeder, Robert F. (eds.)., Humana Press, 2004.
McNichols Campus Library
QH 587 .S7226 2004

Contemporary Catholic health care ethics

Kelly, David F.. (Georgetown University Press, 2004)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.56 .K438 2004

Ethical dimensions of trusteeship on the boards of Catholic hospitals and systems

Jennings, Bruce. Ethics of hospital trustees, Georgetown University Press, 2004.
McNichols Campus Library
RA 971 .E89 2004

Jesuit health sciences & the promotion of justice : an invitation to a discussion.

Welie, Jos V. M.; Kissell, Judith Lee.. (Milwaukee, Wis., USA : Marquette University Press, c2004.)
McNichols Campus Library
R 737 .J47 2004

Above link is to the Table of Contents.

Sterilization, birth control, and the Catholic confrontation with eugenics,

Rosen, Christine. Preaching eugenics : religious leaders and the American eugenics movement, Oxford University Press, 2004.
McNichols Campus Library
HQ 755.5 .U5 R67 2004

Last rights : a Catholic perspective on end-of-life decisions

Christie, Dolores L.. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
R 726 .C463 2003

Introduction to Jewish and Catholic bioethics : a comparative analysis

Mackler, Aaron L.. (Georgetown University Press, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.55 .M33 2003

Table of Contents

More humane medicine : a liberal Catholic bioethics

Drane, James F.. (Edinboro University Press, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.56 .D7 2003

Healthcare allocation : an ethical framework for public policy

Fisher, Anthony; Gormally, Luke (eds.).. (Linacre Centre, 2001)
McNichols Campus Library
RA 427.25 .H43 2001

"Published on behalf of the Catholic Bishops' Joint Bioethics Committee by the Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics"


Catholic ethicists on HIV/AIDS prevention

Keenan, James F.; Fuller, Jon; Cahill, Lisa Sowle. (Continuum, 2000)
McNichols Campus Library
RA 644 .A25 C376 2000

Catholic perspectives on euthanasia and assisted suicide : the human person and the quest for meaning

Rowell, Mary. Cultural issues in end-of-life decision making. Braun, Kathryn L.; Pietsch, James H.; Blanchette, Patricia L. (eds.)., Sage, 2000.
McNichols Campus Library
HQ 1073.5 .U6 C85 2000

Jewish and Catholic bioethics : an ecumenical dialogue

Pellegrino, Edmund D.; Faden, Alan I. (eds.).. (Georgetown University Press, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.57 .J45 1999

Medical ethics : sources of Catholic teachings

O'Rourke, Kevin D.; Boyle, Philip. (3rd ed., Georgetown University Press, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.56 .O75 1999

Catholic perspective on physician-assisted suicide

Matthews, Merrill Jr.. Physician assisted suicide : expanding the debate. Battin, Margaret P.; Rhodes, Rosamond; Silvers, Anita (eds.), Routledge, 1998.
McNichols Campus Library
R 726 .P496 1998

Whose sexuality? Whose tradition? Women, experience, and Roman Catholic sexual ethics

Cahill, Lisa Sowle. Feminist ethics and the Catholic moral tradition. Curran, Charles E.; Farley, Margaret A.; McCormick, Richard A. (eds.). Paulist Press, 1996.
McNichols Campus Library
BJ 1395 .F448 1996

Birth, suffering, and death : Catholic perspectives at the edges of life

Wildes, Kevin W.; Abel, Francesc; Harvey, John C. (eds.).. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.)
McNichols Campus Library
BJ 1469 .B57 1992

Consistent ethic of life

Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal. (Sheed & Ward, c1988)
McNichols Campus Library
BJ 1249 .B4 1988

What's it all about? : the Catholic health care ministry

Catholic Health Association of the United States. (Catholic Health Association of the United States, 1986)
McNichols Campus Library
R 725.55 .W43 1986

Summary: Presents principles of a Catholic-based health care philosophy based on the personhood of the individual patient.

Emergence of Roman Catholic medical ethics in North America : an historical-methodological-bibliographical study

Kelly, David F.. (E. Mellen Press, 1979)
Dental School Library
R 724 .K35 1979

Many casualties of cloning

Doerflinger, Richard. New Atlantis. (12, Spring, 2006, 60-70)

Bioethics for clinicians : 27. Catholic bioethics

Markwell, Hazel J.; Brown, Barry F.. Canadian Medical Association Journal. (165(2), July 24, 2001, 189-192)

To make a seamless garment, use a single piece of cloth

Gudorf, Christine E.. Cross Currents. (34(4), Winter 1984/1985, 473-491)

Available in the ATLAReligion (FirstSearch) database, accessible from the Electronic Resources page of the UDM library portal.

Catholic theological ethics, past, present, and future : the Trento conference

Keenan, James F.. (Orbis Books, 2011)
McNichols Campus Library
BJ 1249 .C195 2011

Cindy Gillham

Associate Library Professor
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McNichols Campus Library

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