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Research Guides

Education LibGuide

This Education LibGuide contains information about the department and its programs, and includes links to:  the catalog for books and ebooks, article databases, helpful websites, to the Common Core and state standardized test results, education apps and blogs, and more!

Graphic Novels LibGuide

Graphic Novels are taking schools by storm.  Click here to find links to information about graphic novels.

Teaching Mathematics LibGuide

Find resources for teaching mathematics including lesson plans, associations, common core state standards information, virtual manipulatives, and more.

Catholic Church and Education

Catholic Church and Education

Find books and websites on the Catholic Church and K-12 education.

Last update: 04-20-2008

Classroom Management

Classroom Management

The resources in this list include books, videos/DVDs, and websites on classroom management.

Last update: 06-21-2011

Children's Literature

Children's Literature

The following bibliography includes books, CD-ROMs, and websites concerning the topic of children's literature.

Last update: 05-14-2014

Caldecott Award Winner

This bibliography lists all Caldecott Award Winners in descending order. The year of the award is one year later than the copyright date. The annotations were provided by Mary Skorupski for a directed study on children's literature.

Last update: 03-26-2013

Coretta Scott King Award Winners

This bibliography lists all Coretta Scott King Award Winners in descending order. The year of the award is one year later than the copyright date

Last update: 03-26-2013

Newbery Award Winners

This bibliography lists all Newbery Award Winners in descending order. The year of the award is one year later than the copyright date.

Last update: 03-26-2013

Code of Ethics of the Education Profession


The following websites are pertinent to the field of Education.

Last update: 08-27-2013

Teaching with Primary Sources--the American Memory from the Library of Congress

Teachers may use primary materials from the Library of Congress. "The site's Teaching Materials database helps educators quickly find and use primary sources related to specific curriculum standards in all subject areas." Includes audio, images. and text.

Last update: 09-04-2007

Dropout Rates

Dropout Rates

Find information on the Rates in Michigan for Cohort Graduation and Dropout Reports.

Last update: 08-27-2013

Education Policies


Find websites on Educational policies.

Last update: 09-04-2007

English as a Second Language


Find websites for teaching English as a second language.

Last update: 07-18-2008

Evidence Based Research in Education

Teaching Science

EDU 441 Science Methods Websites

The following websites are from Dr. L. MacDonald's science methods class.

Last update: 08-26-2015

Teaching the Sciences

The following are websites to aid teachers with the sciences. They are also safe sites for children.

Last update: 05-23-2011

Inquiry-based Science Education

This list contains books and websites pertaining to inquiry-based science education for K-12.

Last update: 10-01-2007

Science Fair Projects

The following websites have projects for Science Fairs.

Last update: 11-13-2007

Technology in the Classroom


Find websites or articles on using technology in a classroom. 2006

Last update: 08-29-2011

Websites for Children

Websites for Children

The following websites are all "safe" sites for children. You may want to use them in your classrooms.

Last update: 06-21-2011

Teaching Social Studies

Jennifer Bowen

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library, School of Dentistry Library

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