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1957 Homecoming with a Shakespearean Theme

The University of Detroit Mercy is celebrating Homecoming this weekend, September 29-30. It includes a dinner dance, fun run, a tug-of-war (reminiscent of the St. Francis Club annual rite) and much more. But back in 1957 there was a very different set of activities: a float parade with 26 floats representing quotations and characters of Shakespeare, which ran south on Livernois from Outer Drive to McNichols to the entrance of the U. of D. stadium, a bonfire with a pep rally, a sock hop and of course a football game. The football stadium is gone as well as the football team, but plenty of other activities to participate in and enjoy.


                                                                   Whatever the activity, a good time for everyone!


Permalink Last updated 09/28/2017 by P. Higo

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