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Archive Research Center

Varsity News

For more than nine decades, The Varsity News has captured the pulse of our campuses. The student-run newspaper began publishing in 1918, and continues to this day. This archive brings together more than one thousand issues, representing most of those years.

The collection provides a fascinating glimpse of life at the university, and testifies to the changing nature of its campuses, faculty, students, administration, and curriculum. Take a look and you may find yourself drawn into any of thousands of stories:


You might even stumble upon the names or bylines of students and faculty – Frank Murphy? Neal Shine? Bill Bonds? Joyce Carol Oates? Dave DeBusschere? Terry Tyler? – who achieved fame beyond the university.

The changing nature of The Varsity News itself – and of journalism and newspapers – will be apparent, as well. The paper has experienced ups and downs, and its appearance has evolved from mostly gray to full color (and online). Regardless of its appearance, one constant has remained through the years: The VN has always been the voice of students. And it’s through their eyes the history of the university is documented in this collection. Enjoy!

Tom Stanton, Associate Professor

Communication Studies

Faculty Adviser, The Varsity News


Collection note:

The following issues are not included in the Libraries archive collection: Volume 6 (1922-1923); Volume 67 issue 18 (1983-1984); Volume 69 issues 4 and 6 (1986-1987); and Volume 90 issue 5 (2005). If you have a copy of any of the missing issues the university Archive Research Center would greatly appreciate the donation or at least an opportunity to digitize the materials. Please contact the Pat Higo at

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