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[SIC] Student Arts Journal
[SIC] Volume 4, Number 1, Winter 1995 University of Detroit Merc
[SIC] Volume 6, Winter 1998 University of Detroit Mercy
[SIC] Volume 6, Winter 1998 University of Detroit Mercy

sic  /’sik, ‘sēk/  

1.    Adverb, “thus” From the Latin sic erat scriptum "thus was it written." Used after a printed word or passage to indicate that it is intended exactly as printed or to indicate that it exactly reproduces an original

2.    UDM’s irreverent, profound, and visually innovative undergraduate arts journal. Established in 1992, [sic] is published annually by the English Department’s Dudley Randall Center for Print Culture. The journal is edited and designed by students and features photography, fine art, poetry, fiction, and prose. Its mission: giving voice and vision to UDM’s exceptionally creative student body.

Student contributors are able to work with student editors and faculty to improve their creative work, and to have their work published in a professional-grade journal, which they can use as part of their graduation portfolios for employment or application to graduate schools. Student editors—who select the content, work with contributors on the revision process, and design the journal—work under the guidance of faculty advisors to gain the experience and skills they need for employment in the publishing and design fields upon graduation.

Over its twenty-plus years of publication, [sic] has been distributed to countless new and prospective UDM students, taught in creative writing courses, and used in the University’s orientation program, Prologues, Transitions, and Viewpoints. The journal has featured the work hundreds of student writers and artists and highlighted programs and activities at UDM in which students are engaged in creative, critical, and socially-relevant work.

[sic]’s high editorial standards, its peer review process, and its vitality guarantee an audience for UDM’s talented student body. Editors and readers delight in lively, intelligent, and engaged writing and artwork from any student—architect or poet, engineer or historian, fiction writer, nurse, or philosopher. Undergraduate students interested in editing, designing, or submitting to [sic] should contact Prof. Rosemary Weatherston,

Author - Prof. Rosemary Weatherston

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