Student editors: Haney, Jennifer; LaDuke, Joe; Rowell, Nicole; Rust, Erica
Faculty advisors: Culik, Hugh; Howard, Jennifer; Rombes, Nicholas
Student & alumni contributors: Anderson, Devan; Bondy, Jessica; Culik, Anna; Dzwigalski, Jessica; Freeman, John; Green Room Tank Club; Haney, Jennifer; Johanning, Mike; Kennedy, Scott; LaDuke, Joe; Murphy, Celia; Neva, Damien; Parsons, Patrick; Rowell, Nicole; Sayaxang, Lycheng; Schnieders, Erin; Stines, Yvelette; Trombley, Paul; Young, Geoffrey Harris
Titles: 49th Street Encore; After the Sparkle: Pixel Dust Remix; An Exorcism; An Incomplete Education: The Interview [sic] on Patrick F. Parsons; An Ode to Kerouac; Anna One; April 12; Biographies; Black River; Copper Tongue Blues; Crying for Breast; Day; Detroit Train Station; Dock; Emily's Meek Voice; Extending the Dialogue of the "Re-Vision" in a Language of Experience, a reflection; Four Voices; Futile Things; Her Metropolis Mind; I write because; Linda One; Linda Three; Monsters Over My Bed; Montreaux Jazz Festival 1998; Narcissus; Night; On Willis Street; Ophelia's Song; Page; Porch; Railway Gulch; Russia Underground; Span; Stealing Away; The Chisel, or Hank Williams Only Knew Three Chords; The Darkroom Door; The Daughter I Dreamed; The Laughter of Wolves; The Woman through the Keyhole; Thursday's Move; Tuesday at 5; Under the Bridge; Water; What We Don't Know...