Student editors: Hakim, Selina; Kanji, Zahra; Khalid, Sara; Peralta, Diego
Faculty advisors: Emily Freeman; Freeman, Emily; Weatherston, Dr. Rosemary
Cover contributor: Elkhatib, Fatima
Student & alumni contributors: Akers, Don; Akter, Shermana; Allen, Michael; Boissonneault, Emily; Charette, David; Cobb, Melissa; Dang, Tiffany; Desiderio II, Francis A.; Elkhatib, Fatima; Girolamo, Madison; Giulia, Pink; Ibarra, Maria; Justen, Philip; Kanji, Zahra; Khalid, Sara; Khan, Nadia; Kinsey McIntire, Carla; Lekaj, Vanessa; Mutschler, Katherine; Nagorski, Jake; Peralta, Diego; Poirer, Mary; Porcerelli, Aly; Porcerelli. Aly; Savaya, Meena; Scrimger, Emily; Soderburg, Paul; Soni, Mehar; Tanner, Amy; Turner, Jess; Wolfbauer, Kara
Titles: 23/07/1988; A Speck in the Sky; A waiting ballerina; An exterior perspective; Ant Al-Qamar; Belongings of mine; Blind Justice?; Choose Wisely; Commute; Endless; Fixed Reality; For the fate of your soul; Gaze; Gem; I like to stand in the shower; Location Unknown; Long summer shadows; Lullabies of Alchemy; Motor Oil and Red Ink; My Forest; Nightmare; Overgrowth; Pillow talking; Playground Ghosts Haunt My Dreams at Night; Pottery Wheel; Protector of heroes; Racism is designed; Red Kite; Running; Sinking; Skylight; Sliding; So much for summer love; Teenaged; The fire trails; The fruits my mother has cut; The Other; The Sun is Out; This Body (A Love Story); Time Space; To my best friend; Untitled; Untitled 1; Untitled 2; Voices