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[SIC] Student Arts Journal
Volume: 12


Student editors: Freeman, Emily; Gallegos, Cristina; Karner, JoAnna; Kushnereit, Joshua; Landry, Beth; Michel, Deborah; Nowakowski, E. A.; Reifert, Elizabeth

Faculty advisors: Crabtree, Claire, Dr.; Small, Darien; Weatherston, Rosemary, Dr.

Student & alumni contributors: Alexander, Liz; Bempong, Akosua; Deines, Professor; Domanski, Joe; Dube, Alisson; Freeman, Emily; Gallegos, Cristina; Green, Katie; Hambleton, Roger; Herhold, Dan; Horman, Jeanne; Hornbuckle, Patricia; Humphrey, Beverly R.; Karner, JoAnna; Konieczka, Heidi; Kushnereit, Joshua; Landry, Beth; Lubinski, Steven; Marion, Jamar; Michel, Deborah; Milana, Dina; Nobles, Nolana; Nowakowski, E. A.; Reifert, Elizabeth; Rodriguez, Rosimar; Scott, Angela; Urbanik, Christopher; Vortruba, Matt; Wah, Jason; Weier, Nick

Titles: A question of worth to a man who has none left:; Abandoned; Almost Transmigration; As We Ride; Attention to Care; Bath; Before You Get to Canada; Belfast, 1880; Bench; Biographies; Bridge May Be Icy 2; Butt Roast; City Boy; Classic Shadows; Crosses; Deep Fryer; Dishes; Elma; embalmed; Euchre on a Spring Afternoon; Explosion; Fantastic Voyage; Faux Past; Flying Lessons; Freeze Frame; From Mexico to Detroit; Green Light; He was Satan; Hot Date with Charron; Hotel Madison Lenox; I Am Boricua; Liberty Lost; Light; Master Page A Layout Guides; Moving On; Not My Home; on the couch; Parking Meter; Pizza Boy; Ring; Run-2; Shattered Glass; Sibling Rivalry; Skin; Stairs; Sweet Retirement; Texture of Detroit; The Bottom; The Captain; The Forecast should have been Rain; To Avoid Darkness, Buy a Lamp; Toys; Untitled; Utopia; Wash Day; We walked to the bus stop along tree-lined streets; White Girl Hair; Yearning for Naivety

biography; fiction; image; non-fiction; poetry

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