Ship owner: Barry Brothers; Booth Fisheries, Inc.; French Navy; Graham & Morton Transportation Co.; J.W. Elwell & Co.
Ship builder: Craig Shipbuilding Co., Toledo, Ohio
Engine builder: Craig Shipbuilding Co., Toledo, Ohio
Year ship built: 1901
Year engine built: 1901
Final disposition: Last Listing, France, 1938.
Captain Jacob Hector first commander. Heavy hull for winter service.
Sold to France in 1917.
b) Racine (1910)
c) Rene (of Brest, France)
1) Booth Fisheries, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
2) Graham & Morton Trans. Co., Chicago, Illinois (1903)
3) Barry Bros., Chicago, Illinois (c.1910)
4) J.W. Elwell & Co. (1917)
5) French Navy
Registry number: US. 107627
Hull number: 81
Vessel type: Passenger and Freight
Height: 20.1 ft.
Width: 31.6 ft.
Length: 173 ft.
Stroke length: 24 in.
Gross tonnage: 1089
Net tonnage: 740
Materials: Steel
Engine type: Triple expansion
Piston 1: 15 in.
Piston 2: 25 in.
Piston 3: 42 in.