Speaker or author: Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882
Newspaper or publication: Morgan State University Library -- Pamphlet Collection
Speech given before the House of Representatives denouncing slavery as an inhumane system in a country founded on freedom. The speaker related his own experiences with slavery and the injustices he had witnessed growing up as a slave. Now that slavery had ended, he asked that the government approach the recovery of the Union with an eye towards racial harmony.
Description of file(s): PDF 20 page, 5,472 word document (text and images)
Date published: 1865-02-12
Subjects: Abolitionists--United States; African American abolitionists; Antislavery movements--United States; Slavery; United States--History--19th century
Keywords: Africa; children; Christianity; Civil rights; Constitution; Declaration of Independence; emancipation; Fernando Wood; freedom; George Washington; government; history; law; Magna Charta; Middle Passage; patriotism; prejudice; Reformation; religion; Thomas Jefferson; women
People: Jefferson, Thomas; Washington, George; Wood, Fernando