Speaker or author: Watkins, William J.
Newspaper or publication: Frederick Douglass' Paper
Lengthy speech given during the anniversary celebration of the emancipation of the British West Indies. The speaker emphasized the irony of a country founded on freedom that realized its power and wealth through the institution of slavery. He hoped that Great Britain's actions would inspire America to follow and emancipate its slaves. He noted various influencial men who were working to realize this goal.
Description of file(s): PDF 42 page, 10,575 word document (text and images)
Date published: 1855-08-01
Subjects: Abolitionists--United States; African American abolitionists; Antislavery movements--United States; Slavery; United States--History--19th century
Keywords: Africa; August 1st; Britian; celebration; Congress; despotism; education; emancipation; England; Franklin Pierce; freedom; George Bancroft; Granville Sharpe; Jamaica; liberty; prejudice; school; slave trade; Thomas Buxton; Thomas Clarkson; West Indies; William Wilberforce
People: Bancroft, George; Buxton, Thomas; Clarkson, Thomas; Pierce, Franklin; Sharpe, Granville; Wilberforce, William
Publication type: Newspapers; Speeches