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There were three men on a boat, two white and one black.
While fishing in the ocean a storm came up and almost tipped the
boat over. One of the white men spoke to the other, "We need to
pray." The other white man said, "I don't know how to pray, but
we can get John, the black man, to pray for us." John began to
pray to the Lord, "Oh Lord, you know when I was in Mississippi
waiting for my sister to come in on the bus I wanted some water
and the sign said, Only whites. I went to the train station and
wanted some water and the sign said, Only whites. So if this boat
tips over and someone has to die, let it be Only whites."
James Callow Keyword(s): Racial segregation
Subject headings: | Favorites PROSE NARRATIVE -- Jest Anecdote |
Date learned: 02-07-1992