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The Sun and the Wind

The Wind decided one day that he was the strongest creature
in the sky. As soon as the Sun came out that day, he said, "My
friend the Sun, let's have a contest to see who is stronger?"
This idea did not seem very good to the kindly Sun, who had only
just come out, "If you please, Wind, I would just as soon not do
that. I have a long day ahead of me to spread my sunshine." I
believe you know I am stronger than you. I will find someone
else to play this game with me." At this the Sun became a bit
annoyed with the Wind and decided after all that he would be
willing to try his strength. "How shall we play our game?" said
the Sun. "I know," said the Wind. "There's a traveler down
below who is wearing a heavy coat. Let's see who can get that
coat off the traveler's back. I'll go first." The Wind blew as
hard as he could. But whenever the Wind blew, the traveler
wrapped his coat tighter and tighter about him. Finally the Wind
could blow no more. Then the Sun turned on his kindly rays and
warmed the traveler up until the man had no need for his coat.
Soon enough, the man took off his coat and carried it on his arm.
"You win," said the Wind, who had learned a Lesson. KINDLY

Submitter comment: My informant remembers reading this fable in Aesop.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Lansing

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Sun
PROSE NARRATIVE -- Wind Whirlwind Hurricane Cyclone Tornado

Date learned: 11-00-1991

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