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One day Toto was at the park with his mother.
"I want to pee," Toto exclaimed in front of many people.
"Toto," his embarrassed mother said. "Don't say you have to pee,
Toto. Say you have to...whistle and I'll know what you mean."
The next day Toto went to a movie with his dad.
"Daddy," Toto said. "I want to whistle."
"Not here," his father replied.
"But father," Toto said again. "I really want to whistle."
"O.K. Toto," his angered father replied. "If you have to whistle,
then whistle quietly in my ear."

Where learned: GREECE

Keyword(s): urination, jokes

Subject headings: Favorites
PROSE NARRATIVE -- Jest Anecdote

Date learned: 00001947CA

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