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In Greece, many people wear a charm known as a "fielahto" which
means "protector." It is a small triangular piece of jewelry
(triangular signifying the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) made of
cloth. Within it is a piece of the cross on which Jesus was
crucified. It is worn on the inside of one's garments and is supposed
to ward of any evil that could possibly inflict harm to the wearer.

Submitter comment: My informant is unsure whether or not a real piece of the cross
used to crucify Jesus is in the cloth triangle but that is what she
was told when she was given hers and has no reason to doubt it.

Where learned: GREECE

Keyword(s): LUCK

James Callow Keyword(s): relic

Subject headings: Charm / Enchantment / Conjuration

Date learned: 00001943CA

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