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There was a bunch of Saidians in a car on their way to
One man says to the driver, "Hey, slow down. You're
going 60 miles an hour."
The driver says, "Do you know how to drive?"
"Then shut up."
A minute later, another man says, "You had better slow down,
you're going 70 miles an hour!"
The driver says, "Do you know how to drive?"
"Then shut up."
A second later, another man says, "Slow down! You're going
80 miles an hour!"
The driver says, "Do you know how to drive?"
"Then tell me where the brake is."

Where learned: Lud, Gaza

James Callow Keyword(s): numskull clan

Subject headings: Favorites
PROSE NARRATIVE -- Physically handicapped Deformed

Date learned: 00001970S

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