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[SIC] Student Arts Journal
Volume: 23


Student editors: Auten, Emily; Bendes, Brock; Olekszyk, Paige; Redigan, Patrick; Stein, Erin

Faculty advisors: Crabtree, Claire, Dr.; Freeman, Emily; Weatherston, Rosemary, Dr.

Cover contributor: Olekszyk, Paige

Student & alumni contributors: Auten, Emily; Auten, Emily; Auten, Emily; Auten, Emily; Barson, Heidi; Barson, Heidi; Barson, Heidi; Barson, Heidi; Bendes, Brock; Bendes, Brock; Bendes, Brock; Carlisle, Alexis; Carlisle, Alexis; Carlisle, Alexis; Carlisle, Alexis; Ginez, Jesus; Ginez, Jesus; Ginez, Jesus; Ginez, Jesus; Ginez, Jesus; Hilliard, Stephanie; Hosea, Forrest; Hosea, Forrest; Hosea, Forrest; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Montone, Sarah; Montone, Sarah; Montone, Sarah; Nagy, Annmarie; Nagy, Annmarie; Nedanovski, Antony; Nedanovski, Antony; Olekszyk, Paige; Olekszyk, Paige; Olekszyk, Paige; Peck, Christine; Redigan, Patrick; Schonfeld, Bryce; Schonfeld, Bryce; Schonfeld, Bryce; Stein, Erin; Stein, Erin; Stein, Erin; Stieffel, Emile; Stieffel, Emile; Stieffel, Emile; Stieffel, Emile; Talbert, George; Talbert, George; Talbot, George; Theut, Jacob; Theut, Jacob; Theut, Jacob; Wenderski, Stephen; Wilson, Ray; Wilson, Ray; Wilson, Ray

Titles: 6-Word Fiction; 8 & W; A Time to Dance; A Time to Escape; Abridged; An Artist's Appreciation; Ask My Pronouns; Baby's Feet; Big City Baby; Blessed; Blue; Bradley; Brunnen, Cloudy; Canal Study; Chronicles of Meg and Royce: The Presentation; Cosmic Diner; Dita Von Teese; First Snowfall; Flawed Perception; Focus; Gates to Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island, Hong Kong; Goldblood; Guns and Glowsticks; Hear no see no speak no; Hurricane Shelter; I Found Where Ponce De Leon Happily Drowned; In Tune; Insomnia #10; Introduction to Self; Kendall; Knowing; Life's Travels; Maintain Good Rapport; Meaningful Notes; Mood; Move In Silence; Noodle Makers in Xi'an; Not Your Typical Love Story; Open Your Mind; Pixies and Politics: The Tale of Queen Faye; Pray for Our Boys; Re-Life; Ready or Not; Smelling the Flowers; South Warren; Stay Up; Street Dreams; Stuart; The Old Man; Things My Mother Gave Me; Touched by Time; Trans-gression; Trapped; Violition - What's It Going to Be?; Waking Up ...; When Life Imitates Art; When the Clock Bell ...; Womanhood

fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; Poetry; Poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry

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