Date (of event): 1943-06-02
Location: University of Detroit Stadium
University president : Cloud, Charles H., SJ; Cloud, Charles H., SJ
Deans: Brake, Merle E. -- School of Law; Brake, Merle E. -- School of Law; Cadarette, Leo A. -- School of Dentistry; Cadarette, Leo A. -- School of Dentistry; Fitzgerald, Lloyd E. -- College of Commerce and Finance; Fitzgerald, Lloyd E. -- College of Commerce and Finance Day Division; Freund, Clement J. -- College of Engineering; Freund, Clement J. -- College of Engineering; O'Regan, William B. -- College of Commerce and Finance Evening Division; O'Regan, William B. -- College of Commerce and Finance Evening Division; Quinn, John F., SJ -- College of Arts and Sciences; Quinn, John F., SJ -- College of Arts and Sciences; Schrader, Charles E., SJ -- Graduate Division; Schrader, Charles E., SJ -- Graduate Division
Speaker / Address: Mooney, Edward, Most Reverend, Archbishop of Detroit; Mooney, Edward, Most Reverend, Archbishop of Detroit; Poetker, Albert H., SJ -- Executive Dean of the University
Honorary Degree Recipient: Mooney, Edward, Most Reverend; Poetker, Albert H., SJ -- Executive Dean of the University
Commencement committee chair: Luyckx, Joseph A.; Luyckx, Joseph A.