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[SIC] Student Arts Journal
Volume: 9


Student editors: Freeman, John; Rupersburg, Nicole; Ruud, Amy; Sanchez, Jaime; White, Hannah; Witkowski, D'Anne

Faculty advisors: Weatherston, Rosemary, Dr.

Student & alumni contributors: Blume, Nathan; Blume, Nathan; Blume, Nathan; Blume, Nathan; Cobb, Melissa; Cobb, Melissa; Cobb, Melissa; Cobb, Melissa; Cooper, Nia; Cooper, Nia; Cooper, Nia; Cressey, Tony; Cressey, Tony; Cressey, Tony; Cressey, Tony; Dick, Matthew; Dick, Matthew; Dick, Matthew; Figg, Jennifer; Figg, Jennifer; Figg, Jennifer; Freeman, Emily; Freeman, Emily; Freeman, Emily; Freeman, John; Freeman, John; Freeman, John; Freeman, John; Guevara, Nicole; Guevara, Nicole; Guevara, Nicole; Guevara, Nicole; Ivory, Stacy; Ivory, Stacy; Ivory, Stacy; Justen, Philip; Justen, Philip; Justen, Philip; Justen, Philip; McKelvey, Mark; McKelvey, Mark; McKelvey, Mark; Nowakowski, E. A.; Nowakowski, E. A.; Nowakowski, E. A.; Papa, Linda; Papa, Linda; Papa, Linda; Pazur, Sarah; Pazur, Sarah; Pazur, Sarah; Pazur, Sarah; Pazur, Sarah; Poirer, Mary; Poirer, Mary; Poirer, Mary; Poirer, Mary; Poirer, Mary; Poirer, Mary; Poirer, Mary; Rockefeller, Donny Q.; Rockefeller, Donny Q.; Rockefeller, Donny Q.; Rupersburg, Nicole; Rupersburg, Nicole; Rupersburg, Nicole; Rupersburg, Nicole; Rupersburg, Nicole; Ruud, Amy; Ruud, Amy; Ruud, Amy; Ruud, Amy; Sanchez, Jaime; Sanchez, Jaime; Sanchez, Jaime; Sanchez, Jaime; Sanchez, Jaime; Sanchez, Jaime; Soderburg, Paul; Soderburg, Paul; Soderburg, Paul; Soderburg, Paul; Tanner, Amy; Tanner, Amy; Tanner, Amy; White, Hannah; White, Hannah; White, Hannah; White, Hannah; Witkowski, D'Anne; Witkowski, D'Anne; Witkowski, D'Anne; Witkowski, D'Anne

Titles: 911-2001: A Digital Monument; 911-2001: A Digital Monument; 911-2001: A Digital Monument; 911-2001: A Digital Monument; 911-2001: A Digital Monument; A Just As Consoling Vision; A Just As Consoling Vision; A Winter Storm; A Winter Storm; Abstract People; Abstract People; Any Day in June; Any Day in June; Barbed Wire; Barbed Wire; Biographies; Biographies; Bugle Awaits Death; Bugle Awaits Death; Change; Change; Concrete Blocks; Concrete Blocks; defiance; defiance; Dependant Individual; Dependant Individual; Direction Reflection; Direction Reflection; Disengaging; Disengaging; Evidence; Evidence; Faucet; Faucet; For Cy Morrisey; For Cy Morrisey; Formal Vernacular; Formal Vernacular; Gaines; Gaines; Glamour; Glamour; Gun on Door; Gun on Door; History of Motion; History of Motion; How to Master Neutral Mask; How to Master Neutral Mask; Lightening Bolts; Lightening Bolts; Motor Oil and Red Ink; Motor Oil and Red Ink; Nightmare; Nightmare; Overgrowth; Overgrowth; Reigns; Reigns; Relics; Relics; Sing Me to Sleep; Sing Me to Sleep; Stir; Stir; The Lover's Search; The Lover's Search; Them; Them; This Body (A Love Story); This Body (A Love Story); train; train; Trash; Trash; Untitled; Untitled; Untitled; Utility Pole; Utility Pole; Watery Confusion; Watery Confusion; Winter Memory; Winter Memory; [Blind Justice?]; [Blind Justice?]

biography; biography; biography; biography; biography; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; non-fiction; non-fiction; non-fiction; non-fiction; non-fiction; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry

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