Student editors: Dudus, Jon; Dzwigalski, Jessica; Langril, Martha; Mattison, Charlotte; Neva, Damien; Young, Geoffrey Harris
Faculty advisors: Barry, Michael; Culik, Hugh; Rombes, Nicholas
Student & alumni contributors: Anderson, Devan; Baliant, Brendan; Balint, Brendan; Ballant, Brandon; Bradley, Ben; Cornelius, Jennifer; Cugliari, Liz; Davidson, Christopher; DeCoste, Gloria; Dudus, Jon; Dzwigalski, Jessica; Freeman, John; Green Room Tank Club; Jewell, Althea; Neva, Damien; Parsons, Patrick; Ross, David Aaron; Schmidlin, Mike; Taraskiewicz, Amy; Williams, LaTrese
Titles: 14 May 98; 4 Semites 1 Toyota 32 Miles; A Belt of Text; A Fond Farewell; Bricklayer's Son; Chapter One; Coffee House Trilogy; Concern for Clouds; Embittered by Flowers; Get Out of the State You're In: The Significance of Commodity Codes from the 50s in Postmodern Films; Grandma Had Boxes; In the Style of James McBride; Indifference; Irish Church; Labour Stops Press; Mississippi Death Song; Prometheus; Saving Time (A Great-Grandfather's Pocket Watch); Seven Songs; Six; Texture; The Equations of Self in Paul Auster's City of Glass
fiction; image; non-fiction; poetry