Student editors: Babcock, Jill; Beckley, Mary E.; Curnow, Kathleen; Howland, Andrea; Naud, Renee L.; Stockholm, Jack N., III
Faculty advisors: Culik, Hugh; Kowalczk, Richard
Student & alumni contributors: Akers, Don; Babcock, Jill; Barrett, Kathlene; Beckley, Mary E.; Burnett, Gail; Charette, David; Ciesliga, William R.; Curnow, Kathleen; Desiderio, Francis A., II; Harmon, Jon; Howland, A. Merrill; Kinsey, Carla McIntire; Kordell, Moira; Morrow, E. Ramon; Pare, Thomas M.; Ruster, Joseph; Stockholm, Jack N., III; Wheeler, Jon
Titles: "Up to the Reader": Anticipatory Tensions in the Poetry of William Carlos Williams; A. M. War; Aristocratic Prostitutes; Channel Surfer; Chasing Chickens With My Grandmother; Coming of Age; Fabrications; From A Time I Counted My Life In Kisses; Goggle; I Saw You; Lodge; Long Summer Shadows; Movement of Sparrows Against Light; Mr. Rogers; Playground Ghosts Haunt My Dreams at Night:; Re: visions: Artistic Vision and Social Context; The Fire Trails; Train of Thought
fiction; image; interview; non-fiction; poetry