The University of Detroit hired Don Large as the new Chorus director for the academic year of 1954 which started in October 1953. His first appearance at the university occurred in a musical production at UofD which was profiled in the 1953 yearbook. Don Large was involved with the musical score of the production “Light Up The Land” which was produced by Father Daniel A. Lord, S.J. This is the first time Don Large has appeared in a UofD publication.
According to a letter from Don Large, the U of D Choral Director(as he called himself), noted that the Chorus gave concerts during this academic year at 3 basketball games, the Women’s Guild Card Party, the Orthodontists Convention, the National Secretary Association, the Danny Thomas Award Show, the Dearborn Veterans Hospital and the Women’s Hospital.
Another document from Don Large requested the hiring of an accompanist from the Detroit Conservatory of Music. It is believed that this was a request for the services of Vanetta Doughty who became his accompanist for the rest of his career at the university.
Chorus member name: Large, Don; Large, Don