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Posting and reading Blackboard blogs

A blog generally consists of a number of regular (daily, weekly, monthly) posts in a single location. Blog posts are generally made by one student (who may be the representative of a group, depending on the assignment), then read by the rest of the class. The readership may then comment on the blog post, but blogs are generally not designed for back-and-forth interaction (that's more discussion).

Posting to a blog is pretty simple. First, you need to locate the blog tool in your course. As with most other things on Blackboard, there are several ways you might access the blog tool. If it's a class blog, you may find a link to the blog in the course navigation menu. Or you may find a link a folder, alongside the week's (or the module's or the unit's) other items. If all else fails, go to TOOLS and select BLOG. If you're posting to a GROUP blog, expand the group space at the bottom of the course menu, then choose "Group Blog".

Blog list

If the course is using more than one blog, click on the appropriate blog to get started posting. Click CREATE BLOG ENTRY to start a new post.

Create entry button

The actual posting is fairly simple as well. Enter a title in the title space, and the body of your post in the...

Permalink Last updated 06/05/2018 by R. Davidson

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