UDM policies for online courses and programs
100% Online Course or Program
Policy statement related to developing a course or program that is entirely online. Draft statement (requires an active TitanConnect username and password to view).
Contact/Credit Hour Policy Standard
Outlines the contact/credit hour standard at the University of Detroit Mercy for both face-to-face and online delivery courses. Draft statement (requires an active TitanConnect username and password to view).
Faculty Compensation for the Development of an Online Course
Outlines process for agreement on faculty compensation for development of an online course. Draft statement (requires an active TitanConnect username and password to view).
Faculty Selection to Develop and Teach Online Courses and Programs
Policy statement the official University position on the selection of faculty for both the teaching and the development of online courses. Draft statement (requires an active TitanConnect username and password to view).
IDS Supported Tools for Online Education
We've collected the wisdom the experience of UDM's experienced online educators on the subject of incorporating the University's mission in your online course sites.
Use of On-Campus Rooms: 75% - 99% Online Course or Program
Policy statement related to developing a course or program that is listed as 75% - 99% online (requires an active TitanConnect username and password to view).