Forms and checklists
Ownership and Use agreements
When developing an online course, it's very important that all parties have agreed in advance on who will own the developed course and how that developed course may and may not be used. To that end, anyone developing an online course for Detroit Mercy is required to complete an Ownership and Use Agreement. The agreement must be signed by the faculty person developing the content, their dean, and -- for UDMPU member faculty -- the UDMPU president. The signed contract must be turned in to the Dean of University Libraries and Instructional Technology. Not sure what qualifies as "extraordinary resources"? Read our explanation.
Online course delivery submission & approval process
Whether you're transforming an existing course or program or creating a completely new online program, the McNichols Faculty Assembly has outlined the approval process.
Distance education proposal checklist
Hybrid or online courses or programs that are developed must meet a university standard for quality, sound learning objectives, student engagement, and be copyright compliant. Instructional designers are available to assist faculty in the development of the online product while this checklist is made available so that faculty and the university can track quality control, required approval(s), and that notifications are provided to the appropriate people and/or offices. In addition, the tracking of this information is important to meet The Higher Learning Commission requirements.