Resources for UDM Faculty
Whether you're an adjunct professor taking on a long-standing online course or tenured faculty interested in developing a new online course, the Instructional Design Studio is here for you. From the submission and approval process through consultation, training, and equipment, IDS has you covered.
Whether you're an adjunct professor taking on a long-standing online course or tenured faculty interested in developing a new online course, the Instructional Design Studio is here for you. From the submission and approval process through consultation, training, and equipment, IDS has you covered.
Forms and checklists
If you're planning on offering a new online course or program, there's a little paperwork that needs to be done before you get started.
UDM policies for online courses and programs
The University has developed a number of policy statements related to online courses and programs. We've collected them for you here. A number of these policy statements are still waiting for approval and therefore require a UDM (TitanConnect) username and password for access.
Course development services
The Instructional Design Studio has hardware, software,
Online codes and terminology
When a course is submitted to the Registrar's Office, codes are used to provide notification of the schedule type and instructional method. In the Class Schedule listing the code displays will be displayed as text (e.g., "Hybrid less than 50%"). Not sure which code to use? This list will help.
Required content for online courses
When building an online course, you've got a lot of freedom to create the online environment you want. There are a few things you'll need to include, however. Click here to find out more.
Best practices for online education
We've collected the wisdom the experience of UDM's experienced online educators on the subject of incorporating the University's mission in your online course sites.