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Shit on the Ground by Betty Wont.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Jest Anecdote

Date learned: 00-00-1975

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When two people say the same thing at the same
time the last person to say "Jinx" can't talk
until someone says their name. If the person
that is jinxed talks before someone says their
name, the person that jinxed him or her gets to
hit them on the arm.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Formula

Date learned: 00-00-1978

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Whenever my brother or I did something stupid
when we were in our teens my dad would say to
us, "I'm going to have to buy you boys a tractor."
It wasn't until we were a little older when we
found out the rest of the phrase. "I'm going to
have to buy you boys a tractor so I can pull your
heads out of your asses." We still hear that phrase
every now and again.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Formula

Date learned: 00-00-1975

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Jack and Jill went up the hill
Both with a buck and a quarter,
Jill came down with $2.50.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Lyrical Verse Lyrical Verse

Date learned: 00-00-1989

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If Pete and Repete were sitting on a bridge,
and Pete fell off, who is left?
If Pete and Repete were sitting on a bridge,
and Pete fell off, who is left?
If Pete and Repete..........

Submitter comment: I can remember telling this story to my friends
in first grade. We would go out for recess and
they would make me tell this everyday. I thought
it was stupid, but they liked it.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

James Callow Keyword(s): Repeat

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Formula tale

Date learned: 00-00-1973

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Why did the cat fall out of the tree?
It was dead.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: RIDDLE -- Riddle Question

Date learned: 00-00-1984

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How do you get a one armed monkey out of a tree?

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: RIDDLE -- Riddle Question

Date learned: 00-00-1984

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Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.

Why don't Polocks go elephant hunting?
It is too hard to carry the decoys.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Poli

Date learned: 00-00-1985

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One night my little brother Mike, had the hick-ups.
Mike was only 8 years old at the time, so I liked
to pick on him. Knowing that he would do just
about anything, I told him that I could cure his
hick-ups as long as he did exactly what I said.
Mike agreed. First I told Mike to stand up. Then
I said to raise his left hand, then to raise his
right foot, then to place his right hand pinky
finger on his left nostril, then to close his
right eye, and then finally to jump up and down.
I was just making things up for him to do. It was
funny watching him. But to my whole family's
surprise, Mike's hick-ups were gone.
Since that day I have cured about 15 people with
hick-ups. It works almost always except when
the person is drunk. Then the success rate drops
below 50%.

Submitter comment: I think the reason the cure works is because
the person has to concentrate so hard to keep
from falling down, that the hick-ups go away.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Keyword(s): Accidental Cure

James Callow Keyword(s): HICCUPS

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Method of Curing

Date learned: 00-00-1984

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"I went to the doctor the other day and he said
that I have dog jaw."
"What is dog jaw?"
"Well, come here and touch my jaw and you can
feel it."
When the person is just about to touch your jaw
you turn towards them quickly and start barking.
It scares them half to death.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt ; 48417

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Entertainment Diversion

Date learned: 00-00-1987

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If the cows are standing it means that there is
good fishing.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Animal

Date learned: 00-00-1977

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When my family and friends are sitting around the
house watching television, we have a saying when
you get up to go to the bathroom or get something
from the refrigerator. The saying is "Place back."
Saying "Place back" means that when you come back
you get your seat back. If you don't say "Place
back," anyone can take your seat from you. When
you come back and see that your seat is gone,
the person sitting in your chair must say,
"Move your meat, lose your seat" before you say
"Place back."

Submitter comment: The game came about from not having enough
comfortable seats in the house. We were always
arguing who got to sit in the best chair.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

James Callow Keyword(s): Reservation formula

Subject headings: Favorites
Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Speech Speech
SPEECH -- Formula

Date learned: 00-00-1978

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Get Lost!:

A humorous putdown which is self-explanatory: "make like a tree and leave"

Submitter comment:

This saying circulates among Mary's friends and has also caught on in our family.

Data entry tech comment:

Motifs added by TRD

James Callow comment:


Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt, Mary T. ; Lansing ; 2819 TULANE DR

Keyword(s): HUMOR ; INSULT ; Language ; Leave ; PLAY ON WORDS ; PUN ; Tree ; WORDPLAY

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Formula

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Did you hear about the hillbilly that got married?
He came home on his wedding night and his dad asked
him why the hell he was home without his wife.
"Well," the son said, "I found out she was a virgin."
The father said, "I don't blame you son, if she
is not good enough for her family, she sure the
hell isn't good enough for ours."

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

James Callow Keyword(s): Family values

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Jest Anecdote

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Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.

A Polish gentleman stopped by the other day to
ask permission to hunt on our land. I said it was
perfectly all right with me. I also told him that
if he got lost, just to shoot three times in the
air and I would come find him. The man said that
that sounded great. So he parked his truck in our
yard and went into the woods. His truck stayed
in our yard for three days before the man finally
arrived to get it. I asked where he had been.
The man said that he got lost when it got dark the
first night in the woods. I said, "Well, why didn't
you shoot in the air three times like we agreed?"
The Polish man replied that he did shoot twice into
the air but then he ran out of arrows.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Stupid man or woman
BELIEF -- Poli

Date learned: 00-00-1983

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Data entry tech comment:

Updated by TRD

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; 2822 EWALD CIRCLE ; 48238 ; Terrence, Burt

Keyword(s): CUSTOM ; Hawaii ; Lei ; Return ; SEA ; Ship ; Tourist ; TRAVEL

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Street Trip Relations between relatives, friends, host and guest Social class Rank

Date learned: 03-19-1968

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