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Hide dropped students

When a student drops (or is removed from) a Blackboard course, their course availability gets set to "No"

Unavailable user in roster

and the account gets marked with a (\) in the Grade Center:

Unavailable student in grade center

Students so marked do not see this course on their My Courses list. They cannot access the course and they cannot view the course's content, and they're not factored in the Grade Center's average (if you're exposing that to students).

If you'd like to have the student dropped from your Grade Center list as well, you can use the HIDE ROW tool to remove it from your view.

Just go to the course Grade Center, point to MANAGE, then choose ROW VISIBILITY.

Manage, Row visibility

Check the box to the left of the row you want to hide, then select HIDE ROW at the top or bottom of the list. Click SUBMIT to save your change.

Hide a row

Permalink Last updated 09/10/2018 by R. Davidson

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