Scholarly Articles + Databases
Databases for Biology
AGRICOLA (National Library of Agriculture)
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) is a bibliographic database created by the National Agricultural Library (NAL) and its cooperators. The database covers materials in all formats from the 15th century to the present. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences. The AGRICOLA database does not contain full text articles, but thousands of AGRICOLA records are linked to full-text documents online; new links are added daily. AGRICOLA includes the NAL Catalog, containing citations to books, audiovisual materials, serial publications, and other materials in the NAL collection and NAL's Article Citation Database, containing citations, many with abstracts, to journal articles, book chapters, reports, and reprints, selected primarily from the materials found in the NAL Catalog. The database is updated daily.
ASM - American Society for Microbiology
The American Society for Microbiology publishes 12 core journals. The full runs of these are available here and through Highwire Press. The Society's website includes teaching materials for all levels of instruction, public policy statements and information relevant to working in the field.
Full text database in the areas of agriculture, ecology, energy and related subjects.
Highwire Press is a collaborative online publishing effort that incorporates online journals from many publishers. This links directly to the publisher listing. Access to over 200 Sage journals is available through Highwire Press. There is also a substantial collection of freely accessible journals in Highwire, some of which limit access to journal issues that are 12 or more months old.
Full text of over 1,200 core academic journals in most disciplines. Coverage starts with the first issue published, and continues, ending 3-5 years before the current year. An additional year of journals published is added annually. The Libraries own current paper issues of many titles in the collections. Follow this link to see a listing of all JSTOR collections available at UDM or download a complete list of all journals included in these collections.
PubMed Central is a fulltext archive of biomedical and life journal literature from the National Library of Medicine. 1149 journals participate fully, anothert 1828 selectively deposit artlcles.
Provides full-text of nearly 1900 journals published by Elsevier and its subsidiaries. Beginning coverage for journals varies, but most start in 1995 or 1996 and continue to the most recent issue. For many titles, articles in press are also available. Most journals are in the fields of science, technology or medicine, but journals in the social sciences, humanities and business are also included. The title holdings listed in "Full Text Journals in UDM Databases" show the start date for journals included in the Science Direct Freedom Collection; for most dates prior to 1995, only abstracts are available.
Science Magazine is the flagship journal of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science. This listing provides access to the full text of the past ten years of the journal. Earlier issues, back to Volume 1, Issue 1, are available in the JSTOR database, at
The Wiley Online Library includes all electronic book and journal publications from Wiley. Journals formerly in the Blackwell Synergy collection are now included in the Wiley Online Library. Full text is available for these journals from at least 2001 (except for new journals) and coverage for some goes back to the 1970s. Volumes available through UDM are preceded by an open padlock icon.

Cindy Gillham
Associate Library ProfessorReference Services
McNichols Campus Library