Scholarly Articles + Databases
Databases With Full-Text Theater Journals
General OneFile includes more than 6,300 full-text titles, 400 major newspapers -- a total of nearly 11,000 titles in all with more than 20 years of backfile coverage from 1980 to present for selected titles. The database contains more than 87 million records including wire services covering agriculture, general news, broadcast news, government, business press releases, industry topics, sports and current events; indexing of The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Christian Science Monitor; and general interest magazines, refereed academic journals, business publications, technology periodicals, and specialty titles in law, health care and computers.
Full text of over 1,200 core academic journals in most disciplines. Coverage starts with the first issue published, and continues, ending 3-5 years before the current year. An additional year of journals published is added annually. The Libraries own current paper issues of many titles in the collections. Follow this link to see a listing of all JSTOR collections available at UDM or download a complete list of all journals included in these collections.
This website will link you to all individual journals or magazines which are Full Text in any UDM subscription database.
Jennifer Bowen
Associate Library ProfessorReference Services
McNichols Campus Library, School of Dentistry Library