Free Online Full-Text Theater Journals
Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA Journal
(Online full-text is available from 2000 to the present)The Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA Journal is a refereed journal with an international advisory board. Though primarily an English-language journal, papers are also accepted for publication in French and Spanish, the other two official International Drama/Theatre and Education Association languages. The Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA Journal is normally published once a year.
Didaskalia: The Journal of Ancient Drama
(Online full-text available from 1994 to the present)Didaskalia is an English-language, online publication about the performance of Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music. Publishes peer-reviewed scholarship on performance and reviews of the professional activity of artists and scholars who work on ancient drama.
International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice (IJCAIP)
(Online full text available from 2006 to the present)The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice (IJCAIP) established in March, 2006, is an international and interdisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal. Our mission is to publish, disseminate and make accessible worldwide, quality information, research and knowledge about the creative arts in interdisciplinary practice.
Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies
(Online full-text available from 2003 to the present)Participations is an on-line Journal devoted to the strengthening and development of the fields of audience and reception studies. This Journal aims to contribute to the strengthening and expansion of the field, by: • publishing research from many approaches, without the limitations on length and presentation of evidence which can cramp and weaken such work; •encouraging open debate between different approaches and methodologies; •encouraging collaborations across academic disciplines, areas and countries; •providing a place where people may with ease find materials and bibliographies for use in teaching, and research training; •providing a focal point for the development of the broad field, including holding conferences and other kinds of forum.
SCENARIO is a bilingual (English - German), fully peer-reviewed on-line journal. The journal's main focus is on the role of drama and theatre in the teaching and learning of foreign / second languages, including the literature and culture associated with these languages. It is aimed at scholars, teachers, theatre professionals and drama- and theatre-in-education specialists. The journal has a distinctly interdisciplinary orientation, encouraging contributions from different research disciplines and fields of practice.
Jennifer Bowen
Associate Library ProfessorReference Services
McNichols Campus Library, School of Dentistry Library