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Emile Durkheim

Subject Headings for Research on Emile Durkheim

Suggested Databases for Articles on Emile Durkheim


Full text of over 1,200 core academic journals in most disciplines. Coverage starts with the first issue published, and continues, ending 3-5 years before the current year. An additional year of journals published is added annually. The Libraries own current paper issues of many titles in the collections. Follow this link to see a listing of all JSTOR collections available at UDM or download a complete list of all journals included in these collections.


Michigan Electronic Library logoAcademic OneFile (Gale)


Academic OneFile is a major source of  full-text articles 1980-date from the world's leading journals and reference sources, with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Includes full-text coverage of the New York Times 1985-date. Some audio files and broadcast transcripts from National Public Radio Programming are included. Updated daily.


PsycINFO 1887 (ProQuest)

PsycINFO , from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains nearly 2.3 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the 1800s. 97 percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed. Journal coverage, which spans 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,100 periodicals in more than 25 languages.


Wiley Online Library

The Wiley Online Library includes all electronic book and journal publications from Wiley. Journals formerly in the Blackwell Synergy collection are now included in the Wiley Online Library. Full text is available for these journals from at least 2001 (except for new journals) and coverage for some goes back to the 1970s. Volumes available through UDM are preceded by an open padlock icon.


eBooks for Emile Durkheim

Websites on Emile Durkheim

Emile Durkheim


The Wikipedia webpage on Emile Durkheim.

Emile Durkheim

The website includes an extensive biography, a bibliography of his works, quotes, and other Durkheim websites.

Emile Durkheim Archive

Website contains a glossary of Durkheim terms, extensive quotes on anomie, suicide,  religion, division of labor, solidarity, and crime.  Includes a biography and a bibliography.  The animated advertising, however, is very annoying.

Books by Emile Durkheim in UDM Library (Check catalog for more.)

Durkheim and the law

Steven Lukes and Andrew Scull, editors. (St. Martin's Press, 1983)
McNichols Campus Library
K 369 .D87 1983

Rules of sociological method.

Durkheim, Emile. (8th ed., Free Press of Glencoe [1964, c1938])
McNichols Campus Library
HM 24 .D8 1964

Suicide, a study in sociology

Durkheim, Emile. (Free Press [1951])
McNichols Campus Library
HV 6545 .D812

5 Star YouTube Lecture on Emile Durkheim

6. Lecture on Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
Click here to play video


A YouTube 5 star video of a lecture given to Cambridge University undergraduate students by Alan Macfarlane in 2001.

Rebecca Tull

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library

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