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Brooks World Poverty Institute

University of Manchester, England.

From the website:  "The Brooks World Poverty Institute at the University of Manchester is an international centre of excellence established to create and share knowledge to end poverty in both North and South, and to shape policies that deliver real gains for people in poverty."  Find working papers under "Resources."

Chronic Poverty Research Centre

The CPRC is an international partnership of universities, research institutes and NGOs established in 2000. It expects its research and analysis to result in policy relevant findings useful to all those working to combat poverty. Includes journal articles, policy reports, and other publications.

Crise: Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security

From the website: "The overall aim of CRISE is to investigate relationships between ethnicity, inequality and conflict, with the aim of identifying economic, political, social and cultural policies which promote stable and inclusive multiethnic societies.:  Find policy working papers and briefs, Crise briefs, and research briefs.

Rebecca Tull

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library

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