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Social Justice

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Social Justice

Becoming free : autonomy and diversity in the liberal polity

Gill, Emily R..
McNichols Campus Library
JC 574 .G56 2001

Reexamines the liberal tradition to reconcile its core commitments to autonomy and diversity--values that in theory are complementary but in practice are often at odds--and to show that the interaction of these values determines how we as individuals become free. Argues that true freedom is enhanced through the promotion of diversity and the encouragement of rational reflection on the options it allows--and that limited choice or ignorance diminishes such freedom.

Frontiers of justice : disability, nationality, species membership

Nussbaum, Martha Craven. (Harvard University Press, 2006)
McNichols Campus Library
HM 671 .N87 2006

Seeks to extend the idea of the social  contract--a contract for mutual advantage omong approximate equars--to address questions of social justice posed by unequal partners such as those with physical and mental disabiities, all citizens of the world, and nonhuman animals. Exploring the liitatios of the soical contract in these three areas, Nussbaum devises an alternate theory based on the ida of "capabiities".

Living justice : Catholic social teaching in action

Massarok Thomas. (Sheed & Ward, 2000)
McNichols Campus Library
BX 1753 .M354 2000

Based on the broad tradition of Catholic social teaching and rooted in scripture, tradition, and lving examples of holiness, LIving Justice looks at contemporary issues and our responses to them.

The new egalitarianism

Giddens, Anthony.
McNichols Campus Library
HM 821 .N49 2005

At a time when the traditional mechanisms of social cohesion have been undermined by greater individualism, the globalization of production, and the fragmentation of social life, the challenges posed by inequality are more pronounced than ever before. As communities and cultures become more complex, social solidarity and social justice can increasingly seem like impossible ideals. This book offers an account of the dynamic and multi-faceted nature of contemporary inequality, and lays out how these inequalities can be countered. It proposes a fresh agenda for social change through a 'new egalitarianism'--an approach to equality consistent with the demands of a post-modern economy and society.

Progressive politics in the global age

Tam, Henry Benedict.
McNichols Campus Library
HM 671 .P76 2001

What are the principles which should shape the progressive reform agenda of the 21st century? Social and political theorists discuss the growth of corporate power, the alienation of citizens from political discourse, the key progressive ideals needed to guide effective reforms and possible policy options. They argue that globalization is creating new forms of instability and injustice which can only be rectified by action across national boundaries. Together they set out how progressive politics should respond to the social, economic and environmental challenges of the global age

Respecting persons in theory and practice : essays on moral and political philosophy

Narveson, Jan.
McNichols Campus Library
HM 665 .N47 2002

Chapter titles: Utilitarianism and formalism -- A puzzle about economic justice in Rawls' theory -- Marxism : hollow at the core -- On recent arguments for egalitarianism -- Moral realism, emotivism, and natural law -- Justice as pure efficiency : pareto efficiency, justice, and the free market--a pure efficiency conception of justice -- Toward a liberal theory of ideology-a quasi-Marxian exploration -- Property rights : original acquisition and Lockean provisos - Deserving profits -- Fixing democracy -- The anarchist's case -- Have we a right to nondiscrimination? -- Collective rights? -- The drug laws : more nails in the coffin of American Liberalism -- Children and rights -- Natural resources, sustainability, and the central committee.

What does the Lord require? : a bibliographical essay on the Bible and social justice

Donahue, John R..
McNichols Campus Library
BX 3701 .S78 v.25 no.2

Why social justice matters

Barry, Brian M.. (Polity, c2005)
McNichols Campus Library
HM 671 .B377 2005

Argues that really putting into practice ideas such as "equal opportunity" and "personal responsibility" requires a fundamental transformation of almost all existing institutions. Proposes a number of policies to achieve a more equal society and argues that they are economically feasible. Radical changes in our way of life are unavoidable; whether these changes are for better or for worse depends partly on the availability of a coherent set of principles and a program flowing from them that is capable of mobilizing the growing discontent with "business as usual".

Rebecca Tull

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library

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