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Religious Studies

Research Guides

Liberation Theology


And still we rise : an introduction to Black liberation theology

Hayes, Diana L.. (Paulist Press, c1996)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 82.7 .H38 1996

The character of our communities: toward an ethic of liberation for the Church

Albrecht, Gloria H.. (Abingdon Press, 1995)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 738 .A418 1995

Christianity with an Asian Face: Asian American theology in the making

Phan, Peter C.. (Orbis Books, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
BR 563 .A82 P43 2003

Ecology and Liberation: a New Paradigm

Boff, Leonardo. (Orbis Books, 1995)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 695.5 .B6413 1995

Fortress Introduction to contemporary theologies

Miller, L. and Grenz, Stanley J., eds.. (Fortress Press, c1998)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 77.3 .M56 1998

From feminist theology to indecent theology: readings on pverty, sexual identity and God

Althaus-Reid, Marcella. (SCM Press, 2004)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 83.55 .A4 2004

The Future of Liberation Theology: essays in honor of Gustavo Gutierrez

Ellis, Marc H. and Maduro, Otto, eds.. (Orbis Books, c1989)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 83.57 .F88 1989

God of the Oppressed

Cone, James H.. (Orbis Books, 1997)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 83.57 .C67 1997

Handbook of U.S. Theologies of liberation

De la Torre, Miguel A. (ed.). (Chalice Press, 2004)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 30 .U6 H36 2004

Jesus the liberator: a historical-theological reading of Jesus of Nazareth

Sobrino, Jon. (Orbis Books, 1993)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 202 .S62413

Liberating Christ: exploring the christologies of contemporary liberation movements

Isherwood, Lisa. (Pilgrim Press, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 83.57 .I84 1999

Liberation theology : a documentary history

Hennelly, Alfred T. (ed.). (Orbis Books, c1990)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 83.57 .L487 1990

Liberation theology : an introductory reader

Cadorette, Curt (ed.). (Wipf & Stock, 2004)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 83.57 .L489 2004

Liberation theology and sexuality

Althaus-Reid, Marcella. (Ashgate, c2006)
McNichols Campus Library

Electronic book.

The queer God

Althaus-Reid, Marcella. (Routledge, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
BR 115 .H6 A46 2003

Race and the cosmos: an invitation to view the world differently

Holmes, Barbara Ann. (Trinity Press International, 2002)
McNichols Campus Library
BR 563 .N4 H654 2002

Risks of Faith: the emergence of a Black Theology of liberation, 1968-1998

Cone, James H.. (Beacon Press, 1999)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 82.7 .C675 1999

Shalom/Salaam/Peace: A Liberation Theology of Hope

Hammond, Constance A.. (Taylor & Francis, 2014)
McNichols Campus Library

Electronic book.

Theology of liberation: history, politica and salvation

Gutierrez, Gustavo. (Orbis Books, 1973)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 738 .G8613

Toward a New Heaven and a new Earth: essays in honor of Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza

Segovia, Fernando F., ed.. (Orbis Books, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
BT 83.55 .T67 2003

Women, religion, and social change in Brazil's popular church

Drogus, Carol Ann. (University of Notre Dame Press, 1997)
McNichols Campus Library
BX 1466.2 .D76 1997


Romero (DVD)

Young, John Sacret, written by. (Vidmark Entertainment, 1990)
McNichols Campus Library
F 1488.42 .R66 R66 1990

1 videodisc; 105 minutes


Cindy Gillham

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library

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