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Bureau of Justice Statistics

U.S. Department of Justice.

Find statistics on crime and victions, law enforcement, criminal offenders, corrections, courts and sentencing and much more.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Part of the U.S. Department of Labor, BLS compiles data on issues of employment, both public and private.  Unemployment figures are developed here as well as the Consumer Price Index and the popular Occupational Outlook Handbook.   Comparisons are made between public and private employment data.

"The purpose of is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government."   

This searchable site provides links to raw data from the fields of health, science, transportation, homeland security and many others.

Federal Corrections Statistics

United States Department of Justce, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Find statistics on capital punishment, the Annual Survey of Jails, deaths in custody, probation and parole surveys, annual survey on sexual violence in correctional facilities, and more.

Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center

US Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics.

"The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), through its Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center (FJSRC), compiles comprehensive information describing suspects and defendants processed in the Federal criminal justice system. The goal of FJSRC is to provide uniform case processing statistics across all stages of the Federal criminal justice system. Using data obtained from Federal agencies, FJSRC compiles comprehensive information that describes person-cases processed through the system. FJSRC applies uniform definitions to commonly used statistics describing data from each stage of case processing. The data definitions used by the FJSRC are consistent with definitions used by other BJS programs that report on case processing in state courts so that comparisons may be made between case processing statistics between the Federal and state systems."

National Center for Health Statistics

 Prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this site provides a searchable database of statistical information " guide actions and policies to improve heath"

Occupational Employment Statistics

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Statistical Abstract of the United States

U.S. Census Bureau.

This site links to the most current edition of The Stastical Abstract of the United States. The Statistical Abstract "is the authoritative, and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States."

Sandra H. Wilson

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library

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