Political Science
Research Guides
American Government - Executive branch
This site includes current information about the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. It has links to the Office of the President and the Cabinet as well as the administration's agenda. Press briefings can be reviewed here as well.
Links to over 75,000 documents related to the study of the Presidency. Includes some audio and video files. From the University of California Santa Barbara.
Links to the Cabinet level departments of the government.
FCC - Federal Communication Commission
The FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
In addition to food and medicine, the FDA regulates cosmetics, medical devices, radiation-emitting products and veterinary products such as pet food and veterinary feed. This site is a good place to start for drug safety information for consumers and for notices of food and medication recalls.
Federal Executive Branch: USA gov
As the U.S. government's official web portal, USA.gov provides information on the Executive branch and links to the Executive Departments at this site.
This agency deals with both consumer protection and competition jurisdiction in broad sectors of the economy. "The FTC pursues vigorous and effective law enforcement; advances consumers’ interests by sharing its expertise with federal and state legislatures and U.S. and international government agencies; develops policy and research tools through hearings, workshops, and conferences; and creates practical and plain-language educational programs for consumers and businesses in a global marketplace with constantly changing technologies." [from the site]
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
The OMB assists the President in preparing the budget and oversees the effectiveness of spending. Includes a link to the proposed 2010 budget as well as budgets for 2009 and 2008.
POTUS - Presidents of the United States
Internet Public LIbrary."...background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also included." [from the site]
Sandra H. Wilson
Associate Library ProfessorReference Services
McNichols Campus Library