African-American Studies
Research Guides
African American History: (1878-1990) Civil Rights Movement
F 334 .B69 N415 2001
Call to conscience: the landmark speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.97 .K5 A5 2001
Carry me home: Birmingham, Alabama: the climactic battle of the civil rights revolution
McNichols Campus LibraryF 334 .B69 N449 2001
E 185.61 .F47 1993
Deep in our hearts: nine white women in the freedom movement
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.98 .A1 D44 2000
Divided minds: intellectuals and the civil rights movement
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.61 .P67 2001
Dream makers, dream breakers: the world of Justice Thurgood Marshall
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.615 .R693 1993
Easy burden: the civil rights movement and the transformation of America
McNichols Campus LibraryE 840.8 .Y64 A3 1996
E 185.93 .S7 W693 1995
How long? How long?: African American women in the struggle for civil rights
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.61 .R685 1997
I've got the light of freedom: the organizing tradition and the Mississippi freedom struggle
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.93 .M6 P39 1995
Lift every voice : turning a civil rights setback into a new vision of social justice
Guinier, Lani. (Core Book)McNichols Campus Library
E 185.97 .G94 G85 1998
My soul is a witness: a chronology of the civil rights era in the United States, 1954-1965
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.61 .C697 2000
Pain and the promise: the struggle for civil rights in Tallahassee, Florida
McNichols Campus LibraryF 319 .T14 R33 1999
Parting the waters: America in the King years, 1954-63
Branch, Taylor. (New York : Simon and Schuster, c88)McNichols Campus Library
E 185.61 .B7914 198
Southern journey: a return to the civil rights movement
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.615 .D47 1997
Sweet land of liberty?: the African-American struggle for civil rights in the twentieth century
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.61 .C773 1998
This little light of mine: the life of Fannie Lou Hamer
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.97 .H35 M55 1993
Untold Tales, Unsung Heroes: an oral history of Detroits
McNichols Campus LibraryF 574 .D49 N476 1994
Voices in our blood: Americas best on the civil rights movement
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.61 .V744 2001
Voices of freedom: an oral history of the civil rights movement from the 1950s through the 1980s
McNichols Campus LibraryE 185.61 .H224 1990
Rebecca Tull
Associate Library ProfessorReference Services
McNichols Campus Library