Environmental Engineering
Research Guides
Engineering Ethics
Encyclopedia of science, technology, and ethics
Mitcham, Carl (ed.).. (Macmillan Reference USA, 2005)McNichols Campus Library
Q 175.35 .E53 2005
Engineering, business and professional ethics
Robinson, Simon. (Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007)McNichols Campus Library
TA 157 .E555 2007
Engineering, social justice and sustainable community development : summary of a workshop
National Academy of Engineering. (National Academies Press, 2010)Available electronically only through the ebrary database.
Engineering ethics : balancing cost, schedule, and risk--lessons learned from the space shuttle
Pinkus, Rosa Lynn B.. (Cambridge University Press, 1997)McNichols Campus Library
TA 157 .E673 1997
Engineering ethics : concepts and cases
Harris, Charles E.. (Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005)McNichols Campus Library
TA 157 .H357 2005
Engineering peace and justice: The responsibility of engineers to society
Vesilind, P. Aarne. (Springer, 2010)McNichols Campus Library
TA 157 .V47 2010
Engineering project : its nature, ethics, and promise
Moriarty, Gene. (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008)McNichols Campus Library
TA 157 .M835 2008
This site includes the ASCE Code of Ethics and Policies, numerous ethics case studies and discussions, ethics guidelines for professional conduct, a link to a brochure on "Guidance on Licensing and Ethical Responsibilities for Civil Engineers, and online engineering ethics courses and webinars.
This site includes the NPSE Code of Ethids as well as Board of Ethical Review cases.
McNichols Campus Library
T 65 .G17 2008
Available only electronically through the ebrary database (authentication required)
This website includes a "COde of Ethics for Engineers" and an online discussion forum focused on ethics topics.
Ethics in engineering practice and research
Whitbeck, Caroline. (Cambridge University Press, 1998)McNichols Campus Library
TA 157 .W47 1998
Geology for engineers and environmental scientists
Kehew, Alan E.. (Prentice Hall, 2006)McNichols Campus Library
TA 705 .K38 2006
Lessons amid the rubble : an introduction to post-disaster engineering and ethics
Pfatteicher, Sarah K. A.. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010)McNichols Campus Library
TA 656 .P488 2010
Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Research
National Academy of Engineering.This site includes links to professional engineering ethics codes, an online engineering ethics discussion forum, teaching tools such as syllabi, assignments and evaluation tools, and hundreds of engineering ethics case studies.
Professionalism and ethics video
(Insight Media, 2004)McNichols Campus Library
HF 5387 .P765 2004 DVD
1 DVD (21 minutes)
"This program presents three vignettes about ethical issues that arise in professional engineering practice. It highlights such issues as protecting the public interest, acting as a faithful agent for an employer, and avoiding conflicts of interest."
- Contributors include:
- Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
- Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario
- Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba
- redengine/Direct Hit Productions
Scientific life : a moral history of a late modern vocation
Shapin, Steven. (University of Chicago Press, 2008)McNichols Campus Library
Q 180.55 .M67 S53 2008
Textbook on professional ethics and human values
Naagarazan, R. S.. (New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, 2006)
Jill Werdell Spreitzer
Associate Library ProfessorReference Services
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