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List of UDM current print journal subscriptions received for the field of Education.

American Biology Teacher.

QH 1 .A275

Refereed. Contains updates on biological research, provides educational strategies and technologies, suggestions for classroom and lab exercises.

Black scholar

E 185.5 .B575

Scholarly. Covers the theory and practice of the Black civil rights movement, including younger activists and intellectuals. One of the most influential, independent Black-oriented intellectual publications. Black Books Bulletin pubblished annually.

Children & Schools

LB 3013.4 .S62

Scholarly. Contains socially and educationally relevant articles in early childhood, such as violence in childrens lives, role of culture in EC programs, effective curriculum and teaching strategies, and effects of public policies on young children.

Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

LB 1140 .A1 E2

Refereed. Contains socially and educationally relevant articles in early childhood, such as violence in childrens lives, role of culture in EC programs, effective curriculum and teaching strategies, and effects of public policies on young children.

Education and Urban Society

LC 5101 .E38

This thematic journal explores education from the perspective of educational institutions and processes as agents of social change. It is a basic journal for urban education programs.

Education week

Retains current year only

American education's newspaper of record.

Educational and Psychological Measurement

BF 1 .E3

Refereed. Discusses problems in the field of measuring individual differences and reports research on the development and use of tests and measurements in education.

Educational Theory.

LB 5 .E3

Publishes articles in the philosophy of education and theoretical work in other educational disciplines.

Gifted Child Quarterly

LC 3991 .G5

Refereed. Publishes research on the nature of high-ability children. Indended for educational researchers, administrators, teachers and parents.

Harvard Educational Review.

L 11 .H3

Refereed. It considers itself a "journal of opinion and research in education." It also provides an "interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about education's most vital issues."

Journal of education

L 11 .J5

The editors revised the periodical format in 2002. It is now between an academic journal and a trade magazine, written for both scholars and practitioners in the field, with articles more in the nature of essays than scientific or scholarly studies. Authors are encouraged to put forward personal judgments and to offer reasoned opinions.

Journal of educational measurement.

LB 1131 .A1 N3

Refereed. Publishes original measurement research and reports of applications of measurement in an educational context.

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.

LC 3701 .J65

Scholarly. Publishes research, theory, or program applications pertinent to multicultural and ethnic minority interests in areas of counseling and human development.

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.

P 115 .J68

Scholarly. Publishes research studies about multiculturism and multilingualism in education, psychology, sociology, second language learning and bilingualism.

Journal of Negro Education.


Refereed. Collects and disseminates information about the education of blacks and other minorities in the U.S.

Journal of school violence.

LB 3013.3 .J695

Scholarly. Presents up-to-date research, practice, and theory on schools violence--from bullying to murder--tracking causes, consequences, and costs of violent behavior in K-12. It focuses on prevention and intervention, provides tested information on threat assessment, stalking behavior, teacher safety and hostage situations.

Science and Children.

LB 1585 .S34

Presents ideas and activities for science educators from preschool through middle school.

Science Teacher.

Q 181 .S38

Geared for science teachers of grades 7-12.

NSTA report

Retains current year only.

Presents information of interest to K-12 science teachers.

Professional school counseling.

LB 1027.5 .P659

Trade. Up to date ideas and echniques on how to deal with current issues in K-12 counseling.

Urban Education

LC5101 .U7

Refereed. Presents urban educators and administrators with a well balanced view of current debates, controversies and solutions facing urban schools.

Jennifer Bowen

Associate Library Professor
Reference Services
McNichols Campus Library, School of Dentistry Library

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