Research Guides
Paul Krugman
The return of depression economics and the crisis of 2008
Krugman, Paul R.. (W.W. Norton & Company, 2009)HB 3716 .K77 2009
Contents: Introduction -- 1. "The central problem has been solved" -- 2. Warning ignored : Latin America's crises -- 3. Japan's trap -- 4. Asia's crash -- 5. Policy perversity -- 6. Masters of the universe -- 7. Greenspan's bubbles -- 8. Banking in the shadows -- 9. The sum of all fears -- 10. The return of depression economics.
The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century
Krugman, Paul. (W.W. Norton, 2003)McNichols Campus Library
HC 106.83 .K78 2003
The Return of Depression Economics
Krugman, Paul. (W.W. Norton, 1999)McNichols Campus Library
HB 3716 .K76 1999
Contents: July 1, 1997 -- A short course in miracles: Asia before the crisis -- Warning ignored: Latin America, 1995 -- The future that didn't work: Japan in the 1990's -- All fall down: Asia's crash -- The confidence game -- Masters of the universe: Hedge funds and other villains -- Bottoming out -- The return of depression economics
McNichols Campus Library
HF 1359 .K784 1996
Development, Geography, and Economic Theory
Krugman, Paul R.. (MIT Press, 1995)McNichols Campus Library
HD 75 .K79 1995
Contents: The fall and rise of development economics -- Geogrpahy lost and found -- Models and metaphors
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Graham, Edward M.; Krugman, Paul R.. (Institute for International Economics, 1995)McNichols Campus Library
HG 4910 .G74 1995
Contents: Extent and trends -- Sources of growth -- Economic impact -- Political effects -- National security implications -- Current US policy -- Policy alternatives
Peddling Prosperity: Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminished Expectations
Krugman, Paul. (W.W. Norton, 1995)McNichols Campus Library
HB 99.7 .K77 1995
Contents: Pt. 1: The Rise of Conservative Economics -- The attack on Keynes -- Taxes, regulation and growth -- The supply-siders -- Pt. 2: Conservatives in Power -- Growth -- Income distribution -- The budget deficit -- Conservatives abroad -- Pt. 3: The Pendulum Swings -- In the long run Keynes is still alive -- The economics of QWERTY -- The strategic traders
The Age of Diminished Expectations: U.S. Economic Policy in the 1990s
Krugman, Paul. (MIT Press, 1994)McNichols Campus Library
HC 106.8 .K78 1994
Contents: Pt. 1: The Roots of Economic Welfare -- Productivity growth -- Income distribution -- Employment and unemployment -- Pt. 2: Chronic Aches and Pains -- The trade deficit -- Inflation -- Pt. 3: Policy Problems -- Health care -- The budget deficit -- The embattled fed -- The dollar -- Free trade and protectionism -- Japan -- Pt. 4: Financial Follies -- The savings and loan scandal -- Corporate finance -- Global finance -- Pt. 5: American Prospects -- Happy ending -- Hard landing
Journal Articles
Will there be a dollar crisis?
Krugman, Paul. Economic Policy. (22(51), Jul 2007, 435-467)McNichols Campus Library
Asset returns and economic growth
Baker, Dean; Delong, J. Bradford; Krugman, Paul R.. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. (Issue 1, 2005, 289-330)McNichols Campus Library
The new economic geography: past, present, and the future
Fujita, Masahisa; Krugman, Paul. Papers in Regional Science. (83(1), 2004, 139-164)McNichols Campus Library
Conceptual Perspectives: Mapping the Territory: Where in the World is the 'New Economic Geography'?
Krugman, Paul. Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography.McNichols Campus Library
The role of geography in development
Krugman, Paul. International Regional Science Review. (22(2), Aug 1999, 142-161)McNichols Campus Library
Sandra H. Wilson
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