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Asia: Trade And Economy

Asia's New Regionalism

Frost, Ellen L.. (Lynne Reinner Publishers, 2008)
McNichols Campus Library
HC 412 .F74 2008

Asian financial crisis : crisis, reform, and recovery

Sharma, Shalendra D.. (Palgrave, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
HC 412 .S47 2003

Biography of a subject : an evolution of development economics

Meier, Gerald M.. (Oxford University Press, 2005)
HD 75.M438 2005

Case studies of U.S. economic sanctions : the Chinese, Cuban, and Iranian experience

Askari, Hossein; et al. (Praeger, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 1604 .C27 2003

Chastening : inside the crisis that rocked the global financial system and humbled the IMF

Blustein, Paul. (PublicAffairs, c2001)
McNichols Campus Library
HB 3808 .B58 2001

Communities and markets in economic development

Aoki, Masahiko; Hayami, Yūjirō (eds.). (Oxford University Press, 2001)
McNichols Campus Library
HD 75 .C646 2001

Creating people of plenty : the United States and Japan's economic alternatives, 1950-1960

Shimizu, Sayuri. (Kent State University Press, 2001)
McNichols Campus Library
HF 3127 .S53 2001

Economic North-South divide : six decades of unequal development

Raffer, Kunibert; Singer, H.W.. (Edward Elgar, c2001)
McNichols Campus Library
HJ 8899 .R338 2001

Global change : the impact of Asia in the 21st century

Thorpe, Richard; Little, Stephen E. (eds.). (Palgrave, 2001)
DS 33.3 .G54 2001

Global city : New York, London, Tokyo

Sassen, Saskia. (Princeton University Press, c2001)
HG 184 .N5 S27 2001

Global financial markets : issues and strategies

Ghosh, Dilip K.; Ariff, Mohamed (eds.). (Praeger, 2004)
HG 5702 .G55 2004

Globalization of Unequal National Economies: Players and Controversies

Zwass, Adam. (M.E. Sharpe, c2002)
HB 90 .Z89 2002

Gravity shift : how Asia's new economic powerhouses will shape the twenty-first century

Dobson, Wendy. (University of Toronto Press, 2009)
McNichols Campus Library
HC 427.95 .D63 2009

In defense of globalization

Bhagwati, Jagdish N.. (Oxford University Press, 2004.)
HF 1359 .B499 2004

In search of prosperity : analytic narratives on economic growth

Rodrik, Dani (ed.). (Princeton University Press, c2003)
HD 73 .I52 2003

International trade, capital flows, and economic development in East Asia : the challenge in the 21st century

Bende-Nabende, Anthony (ed.). (Ashgate, 2003)
McNichols Campus Library
HC 460.5 .I585 2003

Knowledge for development? : comparing British, Japanese, Swedish and World Bank aid

King, Kenneth; McGrath, Simon. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004)
HC 60 .K465 2004

Microeconomics of income distribution dynamics in East Asia and Latin America

Bourguignon, François; Ferreira, Francisco H. G.; Lustig, Nora (eds.). (Oxford University Press, c2005)
HC 441 .Z9 M53 2005

Rules of the global game : a new look at US international economic policymaking

Dam, Kenneth W.. (University of Chicago Press, 2001)
HF 1455 .D35 2001

System in crisis : the dynamics of free market capitalism

Petras, James F.; Veltmeyer, Henry. (Palgrave, c2003)
HB 501 .P4159 2003

There is an alternative : subsistence and worldwide resistance to corporate globalization

Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronika; Faraclas, Nicholas; Werlhof, Claudia von (eds.). (Zed Books ; New York : Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave, 2001)
HD 2755.5 .T55 2001

Wind of the hundred days : how Washington mismanaged globalization

Bhagwati, Jagdish N.. (MIT Press, c2000)
HF 1455 .B48 2000

Sandra H. Wilson

Associate Library Professor
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McNichols Campus Library

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