Research Guides
Adam Smith
Books by Adam Smith
Adam Smith's moral and political philosophy
Smith, Adam; Schneider, Herbert Wallace (ed.). (Hafner Pub. Co., 1948)McNichols Campus Library
BJ 1005 .S59
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
Smith, Adam. (E.P. Dutton & Co., 1910)McNichols Campus Library
HB 161 .S65 1910 v.2
The early writings of Adam Smith
Smith, Adam; Lindgren, J. Ralph (ed.). (A. M. Kelley, 1967)McNichols Campus Library
AC 7 .S56
Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms
Smith, Adam. (Clarendon Press, 1896)McNichols Campus Library
JC 176 .S6
The theory of moral sentiments
Smith, Adam. (A.M. Kelley, 1966, 1853)McNichols Campus Library
BJ 1005 .S6 1966
McNichols Campus Library
HB103.S6 A2
Books About Adam Smith
Adam Smith : a moral philosopher and his political economy
Kennedy, Gavin. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)McNichols Campus Library
HB 103 .S6 K458 2008
Adam Smith : an enlightened life
Phillipson, Nicholas T.. (Yale University Press, 2010)McNichols Campus Library
HB 103 .S6 P45 2010
Adam Smith and the classics : the classical heritage in Adams Smith's thought
Vivenza, Gloria. (Oxford University Press, c2001)McNichols Campus Library
HB 103 .S6 V57813 2001
Adam Smith as student and professor
Scott, William Robert. (Jackson, Son & Company, 1937)McNichols Campus Library
HB 103 .S6 S35
Adam Smith in his time and ours : designing the decent society
Muller, Jerry Z.. (Princeton University Press, 1995)McNichols Campus Library
HB 103 .S6 M83 1995
Adam Smith's marketplace of life
Otteson, James R.. (Cambridge University Press, 2002)McNichols Campus Library
HB 501 .O824 2002
Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx : on some fundamental issues in 21st century political economy
Pack, Spencer J.. (Edward Elgar, 2010)McNichols Campus Library
HB 171.5 .P33 2010
The Cambridge companion to Adam Smith
Haakonssen, Knud (ed.). (Cambridge University Press, 2006)McNichols Campus Library
B 1545 .Z7 C36 2006
The impartial spectator : Adam Smith's moral philosophy
Raphael, D.D.. (Oxford University Press, 2007)McNichols Campus Library
B 1545 .Z7 R37 2007
On Adam Smith's Wealth of nations : a philosophical companion
Fleischacker, Samuel. (Princeton University Press, 2004)McNichols Campus Library
HB 103 .S6 F59 2004
On moral sentiments : contemporary responses to Adam Smith
Reeder, John (ed.). (Thoemmes Press, 1997.)McNichols Campus Library
BJ 1005 .S63 O56 1997
McNichols Campus Library
HB 161 .O76 2007
Sandra H. Wilson
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McNichols Campus Library